First Shipment of EDC MAGs and T-48 Arrives to Virginia Warehouse

After almost of year of perfecting our prototypes and manufacturing the first tranche of merchandise, the Outstandards Warehouse Team was excited to receive the first truckload of merchandise from our manufacturing facilities.  Outstandards is headquartered in Williamsburg, Virginia.

By |2023-02-05T00:52:45+00:00November 22nd, 2022|News|Comments Off on First Shipment of EDC MAGs and T-48 Arrives to Virginia Warehouse

First Prototypes of T-48 Crates Market Tested at Jeep Show

Outstandards ran test marketing of its newest product, the T-48 crate, at the Virginia Beach Jeep Fest in November 2022.  The product was highly popular, as it provided the best storage and transport solution for SUVs, in particular Jeep Wranglers.

By |2023-02-05T00:45:51+00:00November 12th, 2022|News|Comments Off on First Prototypes of T-48 Crates Market Tested at Jeep Show
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